Sunday, March 3, 2019

Almost Forgotten

In life, humans need the availability of primary needs consisting of food (food), clothing (clothing) and boards (houses). Humans without clothing and without boards can still live if enough food is available. But without food, humans almost certainly cannot live, even though the needs for clothing and shelter are fulfilled.
Farmers are food providers, but their lives still seem marginal. Even in a social position, farmers often do not get the right place, sometimes even being looked down upon. Farmers are almost always synonymous with caping hats and hoes on their bodies. Even the young generation today almost no one aspires to become a farmer.
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Working hard slamming day and night in the hot sun and pouring rain, that's the farmer. The fruit of his hard work even we only know that rice has turned into rice and then rice which we then consume every day without ever thinking of us how the labors of the farmers work for mankind.

How do they prepare the land, sow the seeds, plant the seeds, take care and maintain them, harvest them, process them and sell them at a price which is sometimes fortunately only a little. They carry out this cycle in full "responsibility" for approximately 4 (four) months until the harvest period arrives. Even they did not give up when the plant was attacked by pests and diseases, also fuso, resulting in crop failure. The farmer keeps planting it back and keeps planting it again.
"It is not a Muslim planting plants and eating them, animals or birds, but the plants become alms for him until the Day of Judgment." (Narrated by Imam Muslim, Hadith Number 1552 (10).
"It is not a Muslim to plant a plant but what is eaten from the plant as alms for him, and what was stolen from the plant as a charity for him and not owned by one is reduced but becomes alms for him." (Narrated by Imam Muslim Hadits Number 1552).
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And that is the good news for the peasants spoken directly by the Prophet shollallohu aih alaihi wa sallam. That the two hadiths affirm 2 (two) benefits of goodness obtained by farmers:
First: the benefits that are of a world nature (dunyawiyah) from farming are producing production (providing food ingredients) which can be beneficial to the farmers themselves, which also benefits the community and the country. Every person consumes agricultural products, both vegetables and fruits, seeds and crops, all of which are the necessities of human life so that the yield of the crop becomes a benefit for mankind and thus grows his goodness.
Second: benefits that are religious (diniyyah), namely in the form of reward or reward. Farmers' crops are consumed by humans, eaten by animals (birds or other animals) even though there is only one seed, in fact it is charity for farmers, whether desired or not, even if the farmer does not care about what is eaten from the plant is alms, then it is still charity for him. When the plant (for example) is stolen, seized or even damaged, it is still worth alms for farmers. Wallahualam bissawab.
Thus, hopefully useful.

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