Sunday, March 3, 2019

Cryptocarya Massoia Bark


Masohi or Masoi (cryptocarya massoia) is a family tree with cinnamon. Masohi tree populations are found in forest areas in Papua Province and West Papua Province, including Nabire, Kaimana, Fak-fak, Merauke, Jayapura, Sarmi. The height of the tree can reach 25 meters with a tree diameter of about 30 cm and the thickness of the bark reaches 0.5 cm with a distinctive fragrant aroma derived from essential oil content (massoia lactone).
Pic : google image
Based on Forestry Minister's Regulation Number P.35/Menhut-II/2007 concerning Non-Timber Forest Products, masohi bark is one of the commodities of essential oil producing non-timber forest products which have been used for a long time by communities around the forest in Papua and Provincial Provinces West Papua.

The benchmark price for mash bark as stipulated in the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation Number P.64 / Menlhk / Setjen / Kum.1 / 12/2017 concerning Determination of Benchmark Price of Forest Products for Calculation of Provincial Forest Resources and Compensation for Stakes, is set at Rp27 .500,000.00 / Ton. This means that each utilization of mashi bark originating from the forest area is subject to a Forest Resources Provision (PSDH) levy as a Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) of (6% x Rp27,500,000.00 / Ton) = Rp1,650,000.00 / Ton or Rp1,650.00 / Kg.

Pic : Demianus Fak-Fak
Masohi bark is not as popular as cinnamon bark, but the properties of both are almost the same. Characteristics of the outer masohi bark are gray and the inside is reddish brown. The dried bark of masohi bar turns older and somewhat dull.
Masohi bark dilates blood vessels and is used also as a fragrance ingredient. Some of the benefits of masohi bark for health include treating fever, fighting insect predation and fungi, overcoming stomach cramps, relieving joint pain and rheumatism, used as an after-birth herb to restore vitality, dilate blood vessels, overcome insomnia, help treat hypertension, relieve pain head, overcome respiratory organ disease.
From various sources of research, it is mentioned that the chemical compounds contained in masohi bark are benzyl benzoate, benzyl salicylate, goniothalamin, heptyl-lactone, and nonyllakton. This masohi bark content is found to be a good cytotoxic active compound, so the benefits of masohi bark for health can be used as a maximum herbaceous.
Pic : Demianus Fak-Fak
With a variety of uses and benefits as mentioned above, it is not surprising if then the price of mash in the market is highly valued. The price of dried mashi skin at the "Bukalapak" online outlet is valued at IDR 85,000 - IDR 95,000 per kilogram or IDR 85 million - IDR 95 million per Ton. Even for super-quality dry masohi skin (bright yellow and uniform size) the price reaches Rp135,000.00 / kg.
Based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) Number Masohi SNI 7941: 2013, the general requirements of the trade in masohi bark are divided into 2 (two) requirements, namely general requirements and special requirements.
General requirements include: Masohi distinctive odor (such as coconut aroma) - bitter taste, yellowish brown to dark brown, masohi dryness shown by a broken skin when bent and sounded loud, smooth inner skin texture, inner skin if scratched will arises oil and emits a distinctive aroma of masohi (such as the aroma of coconut) which is characteristic of masohi skin, maximum water content of 12%, free of mushrooms, there should be no dirt.
Specific requirements for use as raw material for herbal medicine include: length ≥ 15 cm, outer skin circumference ≥ 3 cm, mashi skin width ≥ 5 cm, powder and flake composition ‹1%, powder content‹ 1%, leather thickness ›4 mm , oil content is not determined.
Specific requirements for use as raw material for making essential oils include: length ≥ 5 cm, outer circumference of skin rolls ≥ 3 cm, masohi skin width ›0.5 cm, powder composition and unspecified flakes, powder content‹ 1%, skin thickness not determined, oil content ›1.6%.
Thus, hopefully useful.

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